UMass Boston


How do I log in?

Your campus user ID is the part of your campus email address before the ‘’.
Your password is the same one you use to access campus webmail, Wifi and other services.
Select Boston from the Campus dropdown menu.
For information about managing your password, go to

How is student personal information kept private in WISER?

The privacy of information in WISER is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). To learn how to secure the confidentiality of protected student data, please review The Guide to Information Security for Faculty and Staff. In order to ensure compliance with this law, faculty and staff will be asked to complete a FERPA quiz when they log into WISER once each semester.

How long does my log-in to WISER last?

You will be logged out of WISER after 60 minutes of inactivity. You will also be logged out of WISER if you log out of any other Secure Access applications (e.g. HR Direct) or if you clear your browser history.

Can I save the log-in page as a bookmark or favorite?

No, using a bookmark to open the Secure Access Log-in page will result in an error after logging in. Please bookmark instead.

How do I access the Degree Audits in WISER?

For Undergraduate Students:
Degree audits are not available to graduate students or non-degree students.

  1. Log in to WISER.
  2. In the mobile view, click on the Boston Degree Audit icon.
    In the classic view, click on the Boston Degree Audit link or select the item from the Quick Links dropdown menu and click the » button.
  3. Log in with the same campus user ID and password you use for WISER.

For Faculty:

  1. Log in to WISER.
  2. Click on the Faculty / Advisor Center tile.
  3. Click on the Advisor Center tab.
  4. Locate the student in your list of advisees and click on the Student Center link, or use the View Data for Other Students button to search for the student by ID or name.
  5. Click on the Boston Degree Audit link or select the item from the Quick Links dropdown menu and click the » button.
  6. Log in with the same campus user ID and password you use for WISER.

How do I search for courses?

How do I request a transcript?

Official transcripts should be requested through the Registrar’s Office, including Boston State College transcripts.

What's this "Direct Login Error" mean?

If you encounter the Direct Login Error page, clear your browser history and login by going to
Never use browser bookmarks or favorites with WISER.

Is WISER broken? I think it's broken.

First, try clearing your browser’s history (including cookies).
If you are still having trouble with WISER, try another browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
If all else fails, please contact the IT Service Desk.

Where is the question I want answered?

If you have a question that's not listed here, let us know.